In Ho Chi Minh City it got dark soooo early at night that in a strange way, despite the heat, it almost always felt like it was winter. The light nights of Scotland are fantastic. On my first night back I went to my cousin, Nick's, leaving party and there was still light in the sky at midnight! After years of thinking I was done with the Scottish weather and brutal winters I am a changed person. Rain? Aye. Snow? Belter. Seasons? Absolutely - I'll take four.
It's been great catching up with family and friends. I have been galavanting around the place and going on drives in my folks' natty new car. I've seen plays in the Botanic Ga
rdens in Glasgow; jaunted (is this a verb?) round Edinburgh; gulped cider at T in the Park; hung out at King Tut's for Diamond Sea and even triumphed in one round, yes, one round at the pub quiz in the mighty 'Tyre. (It takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach the earth and a female lobster is called a hen. FYI.)
So... tomorrow it's off to Dublin for a few days.
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